Consultation, Coaching, And Healing Services

For Clinical PTSD treatment & Alternative Healing Modalities

The world is more stressed than ever. Rates and intensity of trauma are rising. As Susan likes to say, “every therapist is now a trauma therapist”. Susan is offering professional consultation to healthcare professionals, as well as Reiki services and Spiritual Coaching. Susan highly recommends all three modalities to maintain health and equilibrium in this challenging work. Reiki and Spiritual Coaching are especially helpful for both client and treater when working with survivors of extreme abuses, many of whom are highly gifted intuitives due to their genetic lineages and training within intergenerational cults.

Trauma Therapy Case Consultation
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Spiritual Coaching Session
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Gift Card: Reiki Session

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Case Consultation Topics for

PTSD Related Issues

  • Child Abuse

  • Complex PTSD

  • Covid

  • Domestic Violence

  • Disasters

  • Dissociative Disorders

  • DID

  • Earth Changes

  • Mind Control

  • Organized Abuse

  • Religious/Cult Trauma

  • Sex Trafficking

Alternative Healing Modalities Consultation

  • Ascension/Awakening symptoms

  • Intuitive Psychotherapy

  • Lightworkers or Starseed support

  • Yogic Philosophy and Practices

  • Energy Psychology

  • Reiki

  • Shamanic Healing